I never drank coffee in college. I prided myself on the fact that through four years of undergrad and one year in a master's program, I drank coffee fewer than the number of fingers on my hands. I refused to become addicted to the ever-enticing caffeine. And, when I did need that caffeine boost, I small coffee was all I needed for a few extra hours of alertness.
That was before I lived in Colombia. To not drink coffee in Colombia is practically social suicide. Professional events and social encounters revolve around the liquid which, in place with being associated with all-nighters and your morning wake-up, is connected to simply enjoying life, sip by sip.
The ever-enticing cafe latte. |
So, while I still
never almost never drink coffee for some extra pep in the morning, I supposedly drink it often enough to have increased my baseline level for caffeine effectiveness. Today, before an afternoon outing, I decided I needed a pick-me-up to be somewhat social and pleasant. However, this espresso-shot cafe latte did nothing for me. In fact, immediately after its consumption, I found that I had fallen asleep for an unplanned 2 hour nap.
My 24-year attempt at avoiding the coffee bean has officially come to an end. But among my experiences in Colombian of learning to sit back and relax while sipping up some caffeine, I'm not too disappointed with myself.